My name Russell, but you can call me Russ. I am a 20+ year veteran of the IT Enterprise and Service Provider space in the bay area, California. I have the following qualities:

  • I am driven by learning new things
  • I am resilient and quickly adapt or recover in difficult situations
  • I am collaborative working within a team or across organizations

About this site

I am always changing how I host my personal site(s). Recently the resources in the space of free and performant hosting has opened up wide with things like “free-tiers” in the public cloud and very agreeable “free” hosting of JAM Stack, or static HTML sites, with services like Vercel and Netlify (and even Github and Glitlab pages). This site is currently using Hugo static generator, and is stored in a Gitlab repository, which is then published into Netlify when the repository is committed to, or merges happen.